Election 4 / 10-11-12

This is not a self-portrait.. This is merely the result of listening to so much rhetoric from both sides of the political spectrum, that I’m not sure I can differentiate one side of the aisle from the other. They all sound desperate and lost.Image

I feel sorry for both camps at this point.. Politics is scary business..

Election 2.

Until the election in November, I will be posting nothing but self-portraits portraying my mood after being bombarded by all media outlets’ coverage of contested races. I’ve always thought the idea of self-portraiture was, and is, self-indulgent and childish.. A lot like politics. This morning I read the Facebook news feed, and politics won the day as far as ‘trending’ topics.. Here is self portrait number 2 based on mood, post-social media bombardment.. Okay, not all self-portraits are self-indulgent, but this one is..Image


Until the election in November, I will be posting nothing but self-portraits portraying my mood after being bombarded by all media outlets’ coverage of contested races. I’ve always thought the idea of self-portraiture was, and is, self-indulgent and childish.. A lot like politics. Let’s get it on! I listened to NPR this morning, and this is the resulting self-reflection.Image

The Old Man

Another birthday is coming up.. The Old Man’s.. My father, Larry Kassell. Artist, designer, photographer. Immense talent. Immense moustache. I’ve never seen him sans-moustache. He rocks that thing better than any barista in Portland, and without irony. This will be the first in a series of posts honoring the dude. He taught me everything I sort of know.

Common Sense Cowboy

Every year about this time I think of all the people I care about… and their birthdays. A big chunk of family and friends have June / July birthdays.. My wife. My mother and father.. My buddies Michael and J Liam.. Lots of birthdays. Also I still like to celebrate my maternal grandfather’s birthday on July 4. I’ve been thinking a lot about him recently. I want him to know that the work ethic he and my dad tried to teach me is rubbing off.. I wish he had met my wife and kids. We will drink Mint Juleps on the Fourth of July in his honor. Maybe we will on the fifth, too..